Sunday, May 29, 2011


The wind dances a shadow
of where you once stood
next to me with your teddy eyes,
smiling like a little child.

The dust spins a whisper
of your four letter name,
that used to leave my lips
with the sweetest taste.

The leaves fall in a melody,
to the tune of your last song
that I sang for days and days,
after you taught me how it was sung.

Now the rain paints pictures
of all our still-framed memories
that will never get hung;
they're just rinsed clean away.

It's not for lack of trying,
that you're fading with every second,
but an unforgettable pain
that you injected in my skin.

And the poison mixes and blends
with the water from my heart
until I can only see your shadow,
dancing, in the wind.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Why is it,
that I can hear you stirring
at one in the morning,
when you said you'd be sleeping?
But rather,
you're awake in my mind,
racing about, mad,
with the sense you steal from my heart.
I was told,
to follow my heart,
but to listen to my head,
because the latter deserves more trust,
but you sleepwalk in both.
I am not rid of you.
So I am trapped,
with the conundrum of
figuring us out.
Because we are
a difficult and confusing question,
that I have only ventured to answer,
after failing at everything else.

What are we?

Friday, May 20, 2011

One Day

They sit in the front seat 
after a pleasant evening 
of friendship and laughter, 
as typical as any. 
And on the way home, 
they share hopes for the future, 
and she listens to him dream
while she quietly dreams too. 

His eyes cannot see
through the glaze that covers 
her little brown irises, 
brimming with smiles, 
as she says a quick lie 
to hide a small truth 
that she accidentally let slip. 

Just as well, 
since he hasn't a clue 
that she's hidden things from him 
for what's turned into years now. 
She always meant well, 
and didn't see the point 
in ruining something 
that would never be more.

All her accidental truths 
have become hardly accidental 
because her silenced heart 
is screaming to tell him 
that every time she quiets her mind, 
her thoughts always go back 
yes, her thoughts always go back, 
to him. 

"One day", 
she says to herself 
as she steps out of the car 
and walks to her front door. 
"One day", 
she prays to her God 
as she crawls into bed, 
and gives everything up to the sky.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

4am Honesty

I find it painfully funny
that I haven't spoken to you
in weeks now
yet you still have this way
of making me feel worthless.
Just hearing
of every uneven story,
every feeling you lied about,
makes me want to break
all my own rules,
just to raise hell.
But it doesn't make sense,
that this little green monster
lives inside a heart that is set
on moving on,
because I want to move on.
But I remember how we began,
innocently enough,
but your god
just couldn't make it work.
But now,
you seem to be sure
that a slighter,
lesser, shadow of me
(all pride aside, I swear)
is more than enough
for you to initiate something?
For you to use every tactic
and good relationship sense,
that I taught you?

Oh, Please.

Monday, May 16, 2011


The problem with you 
is you're entirely to close 
for me to make any sort of 
life-altering choice. 
Because the outcomes 
no longer remain with just me, 
but they seep into your story too, 
and there's no undoing that. 

The problem with you 
is that you're terribly too smart
for your own damn good 
and you know it. 
You can understand me 
like others simply can't, 
and I can't decide 
if I hate you or love you for it. 

The problem with me, 
is that I'm entirely to afraid 
of ruining everything I love
because of my own foolish heart. 
The problem with me, 
is that I'm entirely too close 
to you to be objective
and there's no undoing that. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flying Conditions

The eye already knew
what the heart was leaning towards, 
and when that desire was beheld, 
the mind could hardly conceive it. 
There had to be secrecy involved, 
because if the mouth found out, 
the tongue would become traitorous, 
and give everything away. 
This inkling, this heart-stir, 
could go one of two ways: 
it could fall like a helpless robin from the nest
or fly away into the warm summer sun
but only in its proper season. 
So the eye is sure to be careful, 
while the heart guards itself, 
and the mind simply decides, 
to keep it's mouth shut
until the spring rain and summer heat
make for the most amiable flying conditions.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Bouquets of lost steps
sit on my night table.
I haven't watered them
in what seems like days now.
They are wilted little impressions
of dry and dusty ground.
I used to walk with you
when we were younger,
and in bloom
but I cut those steps
from the ground
to place in my vase.
I wanted them to sing me to sleep.
Maybe I knew
that you'd eventually stop walking
and wanted to preserve
one small thing before you did.
But even my sunny hope
couldn't stop the truth
from making those steps lost.
Like flowers, dead now.
Steps, dead now.

You're dead now.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Held Up

He's held up 
by what seems to be
his own thoughts. 
Racing and whirring, 
like the wind 
over the flat fields. 
He has choices
but none of them are easy 
either way, things will change. 

She's held up
by what seems to be 
her own fears. 
Rushing and stirring 
her poor little heart, 
like rain on young flowers. 
She has a voice, 
but holds silence, 
because speaking up never worked before. 

They sit side by each 
and say nice things, 
yet all the while 
the things they want to say 
go again, unsaid. 
They're held up. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Box/Name/Question Mark

I will drudge up 
an old metaphor 
that I've used for months
without telling you, 
to show you exactly 
what has gone on
in this little heart. 

Under a bed
in a box, 
with a padlock 
wrapped in chains, 
is your name
a question mark, 
and everything I feel. 

It's been sitting there
for what has turned into years, 
because I have no idea
what could happen
if I told you about it. 
I just keep that box
under that bed
and wait. 

Maybe one of these days, 
I'll be brave enough to show it to you. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Dial tone
in my ear 
droning on 
like a fire alarm. 
Hovering fingers
over numbered buttons
pressing 1, 
because you're long-distance. 
A voice 
asks for an extension 
I stop, shocked 
that I got this far. 
goes the phone
back in it's cradle 
back where it belongs. 
I return 
to my bed
to scold myself
for even considering this. 

"If I were stronger", I say. 
But I'm not. 
