Thursday, February 28, 2013


And you waned as quickly
as you waxed, my dear. You
were as bright as the moon
and as warm as the sun on
my face, the morning I first
learned you were on your
way, but now you're so far
from me. My belly tells the
story but no more is being
written. The pages have
stopped turning, and the
pen has been put down,
but my dear, you've been
etched on my heart, scarred
to the inside of my stomach,
engraved in my eyes with
every sight of you, I've seen
your name in my mind,
heard your voice in my ears
and held your hand, in my own.
Now the only story being
written, my dear, is the one
in which I start my life
again, with no recollection
of the moon or the sun.

And I wonder if I'll ever remember
who I was before I knew you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bell Tower

Please do not become
another crushed sunflower
stepped on by the boots of
tragedy, or picked up by
a farmer's hands only to
be stripped of all your petals,
in his desperate search for love
in the answers you can yield.

Please do not become
a hollow frame of the woman
you are. You are a bell
tower full of ringing words
and a woodland brimming
with ferocious life,
because when you light up,
you're not easily put out.

Please do not become
the bird in the coo coo clock,
the rag doll left in the attic
to collect dust with the rest
of your childhood dreams,
never touched by loving hands
or held by inviting arms.

Your heart is too glorious
to be quiet.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


You come to the door with your 
bag of tricks, impressive and 
promising, trying to coax me with 
your viles and bottles, 
and sometimes you succeed. 
Today I swallowed your cough 
syrup without any sugar, then 
choked on your disease while 
you eagerly watched on. You 
work as the Devil's apothecary
and you prescribe my destruction 
with a stained smile breaking 
your hardened face, made of 
clay and paint, moulded after 
your master. You have his voice. 

To your credit, your deception 
was quite veiled, behind a fit 
of self-pity and guilt--I almost 
deemed you innocent, until the 
glint in your eye caught mine 
as the spoon came off of my 
lead tongue and when your  
smile turned wry, I knew I'd 
made a mistake. So as I purge 
your poison from my body I 
pray to remember this moment, 
so when you come knocking again, 
with your medicine in hand, 
I'll know to slam the proverbial 
door in your houndish face. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Divine Affair

I will always want
your divided attention.
Split down the middle,
but sometimes wavering
to one side, never
fully fixed on me,
because I can only
give you the same
in return. We both
have another Love
to be wooed by, and
I wouldn't have it
any other way.

The only way I will be yours,
is if you are His.
